Category Archives: Rants

Ranting and raving (or Raeving should I say – get it?) about topics of interest.

An Atomic Existence

By | November 26, 2009

Have you ever wondered the things your eyes have seen, when they weren’t your eyes? The atoms that build them flowing through the universe since the beginning of time, or if time is non-linear – infinitely. The star they were born in is long dead by now, and they’ve been everywhere throughout the universe, your… Read More »


By | November 17, 2009

After reading this: Apocalypse Fatigue: Losing the Public on Climate Change; even as the climate science becomes more definitive, polls show that public concern in the United States about global warming has been declining. What will it take to rally Americans behind the need to take strong action on cutting carbon emissions? I decided… Read More »

There’s a Shameful Train a-Boardin’

By | November 10, 2009

The Public Shame Glory Train is now departing.  First stop: Griekspoor & Border. When you’re nine years old, $80 is a lot.  When it’s $80 for your birthday, that’s awesome!  One young Miss Marissa Holland received two gift cards for her birthday and went out shopping, probably thrilled to have her very own money.  Being… Read More »

Death and the universe.

By | October 24, 2009

Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about death, and dying, and how the universe actually functions. Of course no one knows this, and some people turn to religion to satisfy their fear of dying, that there is an afterlife in heaven, and there they can live on after death and even be… Read More »