Category Archives: Philosophy

Philosophical topics and rants.

Song Rundown – China Girl, by Iggy Pop/David Bowie

By | January 15, 2016

This is my first article in some time, and it comes in the days after David Bowie’s untimely and very unfortunate death from terminal cancer. As I have been oversaturating myself with David Bowie music, I’ve been taking particular notice of the lyrics to the song China Girl. When I first heard this song several… Read More »

Are you perennial, or annual?

By | March 6, 2010

There seem to be many people in life who live as if they were annual, they develop for a short period, spread their seed and die. Sometimes it is a slow death, waiting for death accelerated only by the toxins chosen. Sometimes the lack of growth prevents true strength, and they crumble and succumb to various… Read More »

Living without social media

By | March 5, 2010

So, as I am a catholic, I am (at least nominally) required to give something up for the forty days before Easter, also known as Lent. So, it came down to 11:00 or so on the night of Fat Tuesday, and i still hadn’t come up with anything. A few minutes after this thought floated… Read More »

A Nice Little V-Day Rant…

By | February 15, 2010

Valentine’s Day. Where to start? I’ve never liked this “holiday”. I never have, even when I was in a relationship for it. I don’t understand anything about this day really, other than the history behind it. Which makes me wish I could find the newspaper article I wrote my sophomore year in high school… No,… Read More »


By | January 12, 2010

What is it about winter that causes people to be more thankful? What is it about spring that makes people forget? I find it very strange that starting around November, people become distant, yet friendlier; thankful, yet ungracious. In December people wish each other well, and some take a rare look inwards. And for a… Read More »